About me

Get to know the writer of Golden Blood

The words inside a book are alive , sometimes more alive than the man that wrote them, they are physical manefestations of hes will and drive, sometimes they are the only manefestations .

Ilias Ntallas
The story of

Ilias ntallas

During the stressful days of my finals I finally realized my true calling which was to help others any way I can, thus I wanted to write a story about  self Improvement and the ideals that a person should follow in their lives 

That led to the creation of golden blood, a story about two brothers who fell in love with the world their father told to them in he’s war story’s which they now want to turn to a realty. with the main 3 take aways being : 


Between the years of 2020 and 2021, the ground work of the series was started with the planning of the entire series course Along with kickstarting my own self improvement journey.

Today Golden Blood has reached the 26 thousand word mark and going strong. growing exponentially along with me .